Orange guide: future in the hands of memory SSD

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Since few KB of hard disk drives came to market today can be a hard drive terabytes with a very low purchase price is always looking for users with memory capacities have been more and more. But capacity is only a later event. Now that the thirst to achieve high capacity is partly resolved It is time the rest of the computer memory problems be resolved.  

Here was a new type of memory, there was called SSD. And soon you will notice that the time has come to say goodbye with a hard disk and a few years instead of the word SSD hard drive to use.  

SSD Solid State Drive, or the same kind of memory is called the moving parts are lacking.And two types based on Flash and DRAM is divided. This type of memory technology is very similar technology that used RAM memory and writing data by electric current capabilities or are deleted. This allows very high speed access to information they provide.  
SSD is several advantages over hard disks are. In this article become familiar with them.

100 times faster  

SSD memory has a data access time between 35 to 100 micro-second. The number for the hard drive for about 5000 to 10000 micro seconds. This means that the SSD memory 100 times faster than current hard disk drives are. SSD is on the other hand, because there is no head to read data from any location at any given moment are readable memory so quickly this time access to information increases. SSD speed is about you ThisOrange to read.

Long life:  

Hard disk and arms from moving pages of data on disk that calls are made. Moving parts that all are working for the cause of a hard disk is exhausted. Typically a hard drive is about three years and then it can no longer be trusted. Because any moment might read Ghazal goodbye. Flash-based memory has a different situation due to lack of moving parts and cycles longer can write about many years, the SSD can trust without worry of you losing your data. For example, Samsung has claimed that the SSD construction company with 100 years of useful life.

GET OFF! A hard disk:  

Absolute silence in front of the computer is one of my personal aspirations. And SSD us a step closer to realizing this dream. Because no moving parts in SSD memory so there is no sound are new and can be hoped that soon the hiss of your hard drive will be easy.

مقایسه درون یک هارد دیسک و یک حافظه SSD

SSD more resistant against shock  

One of the major problems of the lack of hard disk against physical trauma. SSD vs. hard disk in Hercules are considered to believe this issue can this page and see a video see Samsung SSD made by one person from the third floor of a building to be thrown. Then be put inside the laptop without any problems rising from the windows you can see it.  
If you want video with a size of about 2 megabytes here to download.  

Also, unlike SSD hard drive under the influence of strong magnetic network data do not lose. And temperature conditions vary between negative 60 degrees to positive 95 degrees Celsius are able to work.

Lower power consumption and less heat:  

Despite SSD memory speed and lower power consumption than hard disk have. And this means the laptop battery life will be more. On the other hand SSD generates less heat.Less heat means less need to put a cooling fan inside the laptop and this is becoming smaller and lighter laptops will be.


Everything that is not flowery. SSD is the biggest problem is that currently are expensive.However, their price is decreasing rapidly. For example, in the first months of 2008 a SSD 64 GB will cost about $ 1000. Eleven months passed, but that can be 32 GB SSD with nearly $ 100 purchase price. But are still considered expensive, but having a SSD as a year ago was more like a dream. But now with a bit more spending power rather than a SSD hard drive fast and quiet shopping. Many laptop manufacturers also had to replace with SSD hard drives are old and can be hoped that soon saw dramatic declines in prices and SSD will increase their sales.  
If you think you are buying a new laptop SSD option not forget