Philadelphia Marathon Results 2010: Philadelphia Marathon Results 2010 is Announced Today, Here you can find Results of this Race. So Read This Article for Results.
Philadelphia Marathon Results 2010: It was time to work for the 17th Philadelphia Marathon this morning. 20,000 runners wearing bibs personalized, hats, gloves and clothes gathered at home to run the half marathon.
Race temperatures were in the early '40s and remained low in the 40s during the race.
Mayor Nutter and Bart Yasso was in the establishment of corridors of your departure. Poultry production has been effective and has extra space on the roads. It runs well and not feel too crowded. The riders in the historic district of the city, through Penns Landing, South Street, past the zoo and Please Touch Museum, Martin Luther King Parkway and encouragement through the Art Museum go to Kelly Drive to Manayunk and back to Eakins Oval. Lemon Hill was not part of the course because of the construction that most participants were happy.
Fans lined the departure and arrival and the first few miles. All was quiet along Penns Landing, but a lot of noise near the zoo and Please Touch Museum. Approximately 10.5 miles, a difficult time for the half marathon runners hit the wall, the final countdown was playing in the field of joy and a group of people dressed up and dance. It was great! water and Gatorade stops are in almost all the miles and volunteers have done a good job. GU Vanilla is available within 10 miles from Please Touch Museum.
The evolution in time and fast, with fans was a great day. Upon arrival, riders received a medal, marathon hot "cover" and a gift bag with a banana, sweet pretzels Philadelphia, nuts and orange juice. hot chicken broth was available in the final tents.
Tags: Philadelphia Marathon Results 2010, philadelphia marathon results, philadelphia marathon 2010 results, philadelphia marathon, philly marathon