Enlarged Uterus Causes
There are some phases of the menstrual cycle that can create some complications in the life of a woman and lead to enlarged uterus. There are certain abnormal developments of the uterus and the other reproductive organs that can cause enlargement of the uterus. Let’s have a quick look on the enlarged uterus causes.
Uterine Fibroids
It is observed that more or less than 50% of the women are facing the problem of uterine fibroids. Uterine fibroids is benign growth of several cells and tissues of the uterus. Uterine fibroids are most commonly occur during the accouchement age of the woman. They can vary from the size of a pea to water melon and the symptoms of enlarged uterus vary accordingly too.
Ovarian Cysts
This is also one of the common most reasons behind enlarged uterus. Ovarian cysts are cell sacks that are filled with fluids lying in the surface or inside the ovaries. If timely medical attention is not provided, then there are chances of these ovarian cysts to get ruptured and cause serious health complications. There are various types of ovarian cysts and they are needed to get evaluated for they create risk of ovarian cancer.
Endometrium Cancer
Cancer of the endometrium, which is the mucus membrane present in the uterus lining can also cause enlarged uterus. Women at the age of menopause, suffering with obesity, colorectal cancer, undergoing hormone replacement therapy and/or breast cancer treatment are more prone to suffer with enlarged uterus. Treatment of this cause includes surgical removal of the uterus.
Adenomyosis simply means presence of the endometrium other than its respective place. This condition is observed with women that come in the age group of 30. Adenomyosis is a benign growth that can also be painful at time. It causes irregular menstruation, clotting during menstruation and menstrual cramps etc. Also read on prolapsed uterus and thickening of the uterus.
Enlarged Uterus Symptoms
The signs and symptoms of all the above mentioned medical conditions that are related with enlarged uterus are the enlarged uterus symptoms, in the first place. They can vary in a huge spectrum of symptoms of enlarged uterus. Starting with abdominal pain, premenstrual syndrome, severe menstrual cramps, back pain, nausea, depression, painful menstruation, sudden weight gain, etc. can be some mild symptoms of enlarged uterus. Here are some not-to-be-overlooked enlarged uterus symptoms.
Abnormal Menstruation
Menorrhagia, also known as profuse or prolonged menstrual bleeding is one of the enlarged uterus symptoms. Passing blood clots, heavy menstrual flow, irregular menstruation and blood discharged in between the interval of two periods, are some of the symptoms of enlarged uterus and fibroids. It also leads to severe and sudden anemia and lack of energy due to excessive blood loss.
Sudden Weight Gain
Sudden weight gain, without any particular reason is one of the prime symptoms of enlarged uterus. Sudden increase in the waistline and size of the abdominal region can also be one of the strong enlarged uterus symptoms, that cannot be overlooked. Sudden weight gain, that leads to obesity, can also cause irregularity in menstruation and infertility.
Types of Pain
There is sudden evolution of pain n the organs that are closely associated with the reproductive system. Most often, menstrual cramps are associated with leg pain, severe pelvic pain, back pain, lower back pain, pain in flank, etc. can be observed along with several other sorts like severe headache, migraine, dyspareunia or pain during intercourse, stomach ache, abdominal pain, flatulence, excessive bloating, diarrhea, etc. can be associated with enlarged uterus symptoms.
Reproductive Complications
When enlarged uterus is observed in childbearing age, it accompanies several other health complications like infertility, premature labor and premature delivery, stillbirths, recurrent miscarriage and many other complications regarding labor and pregnancy. Abdominal distortion that also looks like pregnancy is one of the most visible of all the enlarged uterus symptoms.
Diagnosis and Treatment for Enlarged Uterus
Accurate diagnosis will lead to the exact course of enlarged uterus treatment. There are one or more tests that can be conducted to determine the cause of enlarged uterus. They can vary from laparoscopy, physical examination of pelvic region by the health care provider, endometrial biopsy, x-rays, several blood tests like complete blood count or CBC, etc. can be performed as per the enlarged uterus symptoms.
Treatment for enlarged uterus depends on the diagnostic reports. There are hormonal therapies, medications, surgical examinations, herbal medicines, alternative treatments, total or partial hysterectomy, etc., can be performed by the health care provider to provide relief from the enlarged uterus symptoms. It is hence very important to not to overlook any symptoms of enlarged uterus and bring in proper medical intervention.
Timely diagnosis can alleviate the problem of enlarged uterus and the respective woman can lead a happy and cheerful life. On this note, I conclude this article about enlarged uterus symptoms. I hope it provided you with all the required information about the symptoms of enlarged uterus and its further complications. Take care!