Jack Daniel

Jack Daniel: Jack Daniel was one of thirteen children of Jack Daniel Calaway and Lucinda Cook. paternal grandparents Jack Daniel's immigrated to America in the late 18th century. His grandfather Joseph "Job" Jack Daniel was born in Wales, while his grandmother, Elizabeth Calaway was born in Scotland. He was of Welsh, English, Scottish, Irish and Scottish descent.

Jack Daniel was born in September, but apparently nobody knows the exact date. If the date 1850 is correct, then there is a conflict with the year of his mother's death (1847) and was able to have a licensed distiller at the age of 16 years, the distillery claims a date Foundation 1866. Other issues such as birth date list September 5, 1846, and in his 2004 biography Blood & Whiskey: The Life and Times of Jack Danielauthor Peter Krass maintains that land and deed records show the distillery was founded in not until 1875.
Since Jack Daniel never married and has no children, he took his favorite nephew, Lem Motlow, under his wing. Motlow had a head for numbers and was soon doing all the distillery bookkeeping. In 1907, health reasons, Jack Daniel distillery to his nephew.

Jack Daniel's Statue: Jack Daniel died of blood poisoning in Lynchburg in 1911. The infection would have created originally in a toe, which Jack Daniel injured in kicking his safe in anger when he could not get open early in the morning at work - he always had trouble remember the combination. Jack Daniel last words were "A Drink, please". This incident was the subject of a marketing poster used in the London Underground in January 2006 with the line "Moral: Never go to work earlier." A common joke is said during the visit of the distillery, it's all Jack Daniel had to do to cure her infection has been soaking his feet in a glass of whiskey for his own cleaning. Jack Daniel death was shown on Spike 1000 Ways to Die.

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