The luxury spot

The luxury spot: So if you do not remember, Jennifer Love Hewitt is a proponent of "vagazzling" which involves sticking your HooHa crystals to make you feel like a pretty woman. (Video here)

Many women throughout the country were intrigued. Many men, I am sure, are equally puzzled. So how does all this happen? Well, Bryce Gruber (Huffington Post) has decided to vagazzled.

    After the actress Jennifer Love Hewitt has revealed she's going to Bedazzle-jay-jay, the phones of Completely Bare Spa in New York began to ring. Completely Bare has been vajazzling ladies in recent years, which involves applying Swarovski crystals to the upper basin. A courageous editor decided to test the treatment. See what she had to say about his new, bubbly lady parts.