Brett Favre Sexting Pics Photos Scandal, Brett Favre Sexting Pics, Brett Favre Sexting Photos, jenn sterger, jenn sterger playboy, brett favrejenn sterger, jenn sterger pics, brett favre: The NFL wants to know if the legendary quarterback of harassing women at work. Is this finally force him out of football?
The NFL has launched an investigation into allegations that the Minnesota Vikings quart Brett Favre has sent inappropriate messages and pictures to at least one woman who worked for the New York Jets when he played for the team in 2008. The scandal began when the sports blog Deadspin posted a video (clip contains nudity) including voice messages and nude photos below-the size of a person ex-Jets Host Jenn Sterger Thurs day would have thought Favre has been, a married father and grandfather. Favre, who declined to comment, rebounded before the controversy, including reports of alcohol abuse and addiction Vicodin and two temporary retirements. But if these accusations are true, the scandal will eventually sink? (Listen to voice messages in question)
This could destroy the rest of Favre's career and his legacy: unless the investigation goes Favre, Sean Leahy said in USA Today, his legacy could be irreparably "tarnished". And if what happened to Tiger Woods golf post-sex scandal is any indication, the embarrassment and distraction can ruin their performance on the field. After 20 years in professional football, Favre last impression, if he did, will be like a guy who harassed Jenn Sterger to work.
"Jenn Sterger controversy surrounding Brett Favre on his 41st birthday"
Stay out of Brett Favre's privacy: "Leave the man alone," say the authors of the Mobile Tribune. In the voicemail alleged smoking gun left by someone who may or may not be Brett Favre, a man simply says he is alone in his hotel room and want to company. So what? Favre's wife has the right to ask about it, but nobody else does. "Just because you're a hardcore fan of football does not mean that you have the players and their personal lives."
"Brett Favre story proves Americans hooked on sex"
Favre has made his life of our company: Favre used to be the guy who "pull themselves out of mud and throw a bomb 60 yards for the winning score," said Doug Farrar at Yahoo Sports. But some hand on his odyssey from Green Bay to New York to Minnesota, he became just another insecure, aging of the athlete, using "bravado" and "theater of the annual retreat" to keep the spotlight shining in its direction a little longer. He probably wants the media turns away now, but he did not blame but himself. "The walls closing in on Brett Favre?