Adriana Corer, Aruni Rajapakse, Chulpadmendra Kumarapathirana, Erosha Autumn, Fallon Shilathi, Harshani Chaturika, Muthu Imesha, Nadeeka Perera, Nadisha Yapage, Piyumi Leeniyagala, Rozanne Diasz, Rozelle Plunkett and Tharushi Dilsh were catwalk at Ramani Arsecularatne Fashion Show 2009 and Crescat Boulevard Fashion Show 2009.
Muthu Imesha or Nadeeka Perera??

Adriana Corera or Rozanne Diasz??

Piyumi Leeniyagala or Nadisha Yapage ??

Fallon Shilathi or Erosha Autumn ??

Piyumi Leeniyagala or Harshani Chaturika ??

Tharushi Dilsh or Aruni Rajapakse ??

Rozelle Plunkett or Chulpadmendra Kumarapathirana ??

High Quality (HQ) collection of images gathered from Ramani Arsecularatne Fashion Show 2009 and Crescat Boulevard Fashion Show 2009 captured by Roshan Donesa and Arantha Sirimanna. This copyrighted materials own by Roshan Donesa and Arantha Sirimanna, distribution and display without owners permission is prohibited.