Ujwala sent this photo from Berlin. A city steeped in history and scarred by a 30 year struggle between east and west, Berlin today is unlike any other city in Europe. Berlin is a world-class city with hundreds of years of history to absorb and explore. It has been the hub of many meaningful events and there is evidence of that almost everywhere you look, and there are things to do in Berlin from the Brandenburg Gate to Sanssouci Palace.
This photo is taken in Berlin’s Botanischer Garten which includes the Botanic Museum Berlin. With an area of 43 hectares (110 acres) and around 22,000 different plant species it is one of the largest and most diverse gardens in the world. Ujwala loves to visit different garden of Berlin in her free time.
Ujwala is a student and completing her graduation from a University in Berlin-Brandenburg capital region. The Berlin-Brandenburg capital region is one of the most prolific centers of higher education and research in the European Union. The city has four universities and numerous private, professional and technical colleges (Fachhochschulen), offering students a wide range of disciplines.
Ujwala has another hobby, that 99.9% of girls posses i.e, shopping. She often take a stroll down the Kurfurstendamm, Berlin’s leading shopping center.
Ujwala has many stories to share about life in Berlin and promises to send more photos but she would like to see good comments first.