Dear friends today we are introducing Tania Zohaib to you. Tania is student of 3rd year and lives in Murree. The reason of sending her photo she tells that she wants to discuss a matter with our readers. Tania asks that “when a person falls in love, what is the best way to tell his lover that he loves him..?? Tania has ask this question to our readers and wants to read reply and discussions in our comments box.
Well Tania thank you very much for sending us really beautiful snap. You have asked a wonderful question and we sure that you will find soon hundreds of ideas on the matter. The first idea from edesibabes.com is that you can describe your feeling by giving a beautiful bouquet or romantic gift on a first date will leave a lasting impression. Many believe this custom is old fashioned but the gesture is the perfect basis with which to start a new romance. Whether it is your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife or someone new in your life, an unexpected romantic gift and flowers will make their day a special one.