Dating Success Strategies: 10 Dating Lessons to Spice Up Your Life office
When you're ready to start winning in the dating world, follow this simple strategy for success:
Lesson 1: First Impressions
They are direct, lasting and usually permanent. No matter what size you are, and whatever sweet, you can when you get to know someone, the reality is, your dating success will be based almost entirely on the first sense of the other person to whom and what you are.
Lesson 2: If you want the part, look the part
Statistics show that how we appear speaks more about us and more important than what we say
Lesson 3: Act the part
It is a fact that in our personal affairs, as in all our dealings, we sell our first. bad attitude, image, behavior and a negative impact on your dating success, as it will negatively affect your business success.
Lesson 4: Get in the game.
The first impression you make to a prospective date predicts whether she (or he) will take the time to know you. Meetings, such as business, is all about sales. Do you think of yourself as a product and the person you want to date the buyer.
Lesson 5: Dating is about sales and marketing is a numbers game
If you want to multiply your success immediately in dating (or anything else), learn, understand and accept the concept behind "the numbers game." Accept and follow these principles:
1. You are a product
2. You are the seller of the product, software compression, and its advertisers.
3. The person you are trying to attract customers. They make their purchase decisions based on the presentation, packaging and advertising.
4. best sellers in the world are not 100 percent sales rate, a rate of 75 percent, 50 percent or even 25 per cent. best sellers around the world the chance to maintain turnover and 10 percent consider themselves lucky if one of ten "pitches" results in a sale.
Lesson 6: Confidence = success
The number one quality of men and women find a date or a partner is trust. Confidence is the key attribute that all professional salesmen must possess to be successful. People do not buy products or services of someone who does not trust themselves or the products they represent.
Lesson 7: Establish a goal
A confident person is one with a plan and a purpose. What is yours?
Lesson 8: Know your audience and give them what they want
Understand that you are trying to sell and what they are interested in purchasing.
Lesson 9: Analyze the competition and do things better than they
Just as you would a competitor in business or a study of the rival team sports, study your dating competition if you want to win!
Lesson 10: Take action and monitor
Dealing with your fear of rejection. Stop investing your energy and self-esteem in the results. Instead of
the thought of "fog" and "failure", think of them "as practice plans. Dating is a process. Stop taking so much importance to what the person you want to believe you. After all, you Not sure if you want once, even if they do, you know?
Set goals and achieve little, one by one. Get passionate about your goals and your life. Enthusiasm is contagious, if you are enthusiastic about your life, people are excited about you.
Dress for success. Always put your best foot forward and do not forget to perfect your sales pitch. If you continue to do the same, you still get the same result.
Lesson 10: Live like there's no tomorrow
Realize there are no guarantees, no repeats, and (usually) no second chance. Make every day "day", one where you did everything you could do.